Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Want more Super Bowl jets?

In talking with some airport folks around North Texas, what's interesting to ponder is the number of corporate jets we're going to receive across airports big and small.  

The North Texas Super Bowl Committee says it expects about 1,000 jets to bring high-rollers here through the big game week. That's an estimate with a lot of wiggle room - it depends on the teams to a certain degree, though for many companies who use the games as rewards for top salesfolks and get them here by jet, they're coming no matter who plays.  

If the New York Jets win the AFC Championship Game against the Pittsburgh Steelers , there's a sense that a LOT more jets might find their way down here compared to if the Steelers or perhaps the Packers over in the NFC win the game. If it's Jets vs. Bears, that could be a best-case scenario as corporations woo clients and reward executives with Super Bowl tix and ways to get them down there. Chicago plus New York = lots and lots of corporate jets.
How many? Hard to say. The region's airports say they're ready no matter what. They're just hoping for good weather, flashing back to last year's NBA All-Star Game when ice and bad weather made it tough sledding, somewhat figuratively, for high-rollers coming into town.
You could make an argument that Jets vs. Bears would expose North Texas to the most decision-makers and give us a slightly bigger "boom" for hosting the event in terms of the mix of fans. That's just media market size involved - though it would always be interesting to see how the New York media absorbs and translates the North Texas experience.

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