Thursday, December 9, 2010

2011 Super Bowl become a hot topic in NFL

The National Football League official in charge of the Super Bowl said he doesn’t expect Cowboys Stadium to set the attendance record for that championship game in February.About 100 NFL officials and contractors are in town for one of the four major Super Bowl planning weeks of the year. The last one is scheduled for December.

The event will start on Jan. 27 – 10 days before the Feb. 6 Super Bowl. Supovitz said the extended schedule should give North Texas residents a chance to visit the 50 attractions before fans start arriving the week of the game. The Cowboys have arguably the most flexible stadium in the NFL. It’s held large public events for as few as 20,265 – a Star Wars concert – and as many as 108,713 – the NBA All-Star Game. Brett Daniels, a Cowboys spokesman, said the team had no comment, noting that Super Bowl capacity is an NFL decision.

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